DTS Preselection
Preselection is a process in the execution phase in which the values of the selected DTS business objects (BO) are preselected via their assigned DTS derivation paths. For a better understanding, see also following chapters:
Transformation Scenarios for all DTS execution phases
DTS Implementation Phases for the DTS processing overview
DTS Derivation Path for building the derivation logic between the business objects
DTS Glossary for understanding following terms:
DTS business object
DTS business object table
DTS derivation path
DTS derivation path table
Transformation task (derivation and consolidation task in the preselection phase)
The example in the picture below shows the preselection of objects from a company code (represented by the DTS business object BUKRS). For explanation purposes, the example focuses on the preselection of the material numbers (represented by the DTS BO MBLNR – the orange tile in the middle of level 3) from the company code (represented by the DTS BO BUKRS – the blue tile in level 1). It is derived from two derivation paths:
PATH1: The line highlighted in orange:
In the system, you can find this path under the name BUKRS_MBLNR (MSEG)
PATH2.3: The third part of the line highlighted in blue:
In the system, you can find this path under the name WERKS_MBLNR (MSEG)
However, to collect the plant (WERKS BO) values, the WERKS BO must be derived from the company code by other two derivations:
The derivation path BUKRS_BWKEY (T001K) – the first part of the line highlighted in blue
The derivation path BWKEY_WERKS (T001W) – the second part of the line highlighted in blue
The preselection process ensures that the MBLNR values are derived in the right sequence. To achieve this, one derivation task with its predecessors and successors is generated for each derivation path. If one business object is preselected by two or more derivation paths, a consolidation task is generated to merge the records for the derived values. You can customize the consolidation logic and include or exclude parameters in the step Maintain business object preselection inputs.
In the example, there are four derivation tasks: one for the orange path and three for the blue paths. Also, one consolidation task will be generated to merge the results of PATH1 and PATH2.3 in order to obtain the final list of the MBLNR values. You can execute and monitor all generated tasks via the step Execute and monitor preselection.